The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust
Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Form 2022:
Education Scholarship 2022: How to apply for The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship online, Download The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Form 2022 and details about Education Scholarship 2022 are discussed in this post. This will make it easier to apply for the The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship online and fill out the PM’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship form.
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Education Scholarship Application Form 2022
Education Assistance Trust: The “Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust” was formed in 2012 as per the benevolent intention of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to ensure education of poor and meritorious students. According to the provisions of the PM’s Education Assistance Trust Act, 2012, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of the Government of the People Republic of Bangladesh is the President of the 05 (five) member “Advisory Council”. The Hon’ble Minister of Education presides over the 26 (twenty six) Board of Trustees constituted under the existing law.
Prime Minister’s Education Trust
Education Assistance Trust: This method will ensure payment of stipends to the selected students at their convenient time, place and through financial institution of their choice as their own bank. The trust is playing an important role in increasing the number of students in educational institutions, preventing dropouts, expanding education, preventing child marriage, empowering women and alleviating poverty.
Education Assistance Trust Education Scholarship 2022
Teachers and staff of private general education institutions (MPO affiliated and non-MPO) can apply for permission for their incurable diseases. Students from public or private educational institutions (MPO enrolled and non-MPO) can apply for expenses incurred due to incurable diseases, accidents and education. However, in the case of granting this special grant, priority will be given to students from distressed, disabled, helpless, angry, poor, meritorious and backward communities.
Education Assistance Trust Education Scholarship 2022 Receipt Terms:
In order to get the stipend, the student has to be a regular student studying at degree (pass) / fazil level.
Must be at least 75% present in the classroom as a regular student. In this case (Bangla / English) can be counted as a mandatory subject.
The total annual income of the guardian of the student selected for receiving the stipend should be less than Rs. 1,00,000 / – (one lakh).
The total amount of land of the guardian / parent should be less than 0.05 (five) percent of the residents living in the city corporation area and 0.75 (seventy five) percent of the land in other areas.
PM’s Education Assistance Trust Image
PM’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Form 2022
PM’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Online Application: Application for The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship must be made online. Students must have to this link ( to receive the PM’s Education Assistance Trust stipend. For registration
See the required instructions on the website. Education Guidance Trust Scholarship 2022 Receipt and all guidelines including the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Form can be found on the above website.
PM’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Online Application
Application Deadline: From 09 January 2022 to 10 February 2022, students will be able to apply online using the system to apply for the PM’s Education Assistance Trust Scholarship Form 2022. After completing the overall process, it has been requested to send the list of selected students online using the system by 26 February 2022.
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